24/7 Commercial Plumbing Services – General & Emergency
Call Us Anytime 303-791-9717
Key Services That Keep Your Food Operations OPEN.
Fully licensed, bonded & insured
24/7 Emergency Repair Services
We have a licensed plumber on call after hours and on weekends because THAT is when the emergencies happen. We don't just say 24/7, we actually respond (unlike many others).
Water Heaters
Like electricity at a flip of the switch, a water heater is invisible to everyday life, until suddenly, there is NO HOT WATER! Our experienced techs inspect, service and replace commercial water heaters
of all makes and models.
Broken Water Lines
Low water pressure? Often times this is an early indication that you likely have a broken water line. Maybe it's a crack, rusted through, or a myriad of other possibilities.
Clogged Drain Clearing & Jetting
Sinks, toilets, p-traps, entire drain lines. Whether minor or major, this is a condition that requires resolution soon, if not immediately. Our general plumbing services cover the smaller problems, while our JETTING service thoroughly cleans FOG (fat, oil, grease) from main pipes and drains in short order.
Odor Elimination
We've all experienced this unpleasant situation, whether in our own facilities or while visiting others. This can be a difficult challenge to identify and stop. Biotech Solutions has proprietary methods to attack and rid your facility of those foul odors, even when others have failed.
Our Areas of Expertise
We Are Commercial & Municipal Plumbing Experts
Biotech Solutions is focused on COMMERCIAL REPAIR & SERVICE of all things plumbing. We've serviced everything imaginable, and assist with both immediate and long-term solutions for your general & emergency plumbing needs. Click here to learn more about our Grease Management Services.
Commercial Restaurants,
Bars & Franchises
With over 1200 customers, you can trust Biotech Solutions to understand your situation and get it fixed expeditiously.

Commercial Kitchens
Malls, convention centers, airports, hotels or anywhere there is a commercial kitchen that requires plumbing services, Biotech Solutions should be your first call. Experience that gets/keeps you open for business.


As many have discovered, the use of Biotech Solutions' Grease Management Services provide improvement to the build-ups that occur within the sewer system near groupings of restaurant and large kitchen facilities.

Biotech Solutions uses the power of BIOREMEDIATION (live nontoxic bacteria) to PERMANENTLY REMOVE drain-clogging fats, oils and grease know as FOG. (how it occurs - in the sink (emulsified) later in the pipe (as a solid)

What Makes Us Different?
A Commitment to our communities and the planet... no soaps, solvents or emulsifiers used at Biotech Solutions – only elements from Mother Nature herself.

General and Emergency Rates Comparable across Region.
Whether you're a first time customer or a long-established one, we bill under a two tier structures... Tier 1 is an open flat rate plus parts and materials. Or, as a GES customer,
Tier 2 offering a flat rate discount across plumbing services, parts and materials.

Qualified & Licensed -
Plumbing Technicians
We are licensed, insured and bonded, operating under Master Plumbing License # /???. You can be assured of professionalism and experience on every job.

Excellent Dispatch
& Customer Support
Our dispatch system keeps jobs on track and running steady. On average, our technicians service 5 calls, each, per day. And if an issue remains unresolved, Customer Service is there to respond and authorize the necessary steps to successfully complete the job.

30+ Years in Business
80+ Years of Experience
We are solely focused on Commercial Plumbing Services - both General and Emergency. We continue to grow our knowledge and are committed to training the next generation of plumbers.